Thursday, August 30, 2012

Egg Benefits You probably Don’t Know

 I like eating eggs at whatever time of the day. I would eat it fried (scrambled, but my own version) with a sausage or two or  I would simply drop a fresh one in my soup or my porridge. Most of the time, I’d eat it as hard – boiled, seasoned with pepper and salt, not just once, but sometimes twice or thrice a day. And that’s when a lot of people (specially the older ones) cringe.  They’d say “cholesterol!” and shake their heads in disapproval.

Contrary to previous beliefs and as proven by recent researches, moderate consumption of eggs does not significantly raise the bad cholesterol (LDL) level of a person and it cannot be considered as a major contributor for heart diseases. Saturated and trans fat found in food, not dietary cholesterol, increase blood cholesterol and the risk of heart diseases. Consumption of eggs, may, in fact, improve a person’s lipid profile. That, and other things.

What’s in an egg?

A medium size egg has about 70 calories and other essential nutrients our body needs, so eating an egg is like taking a multivitamin pill. It has:
Protein – the most filling of all nutrients, protein supplies energy to the body and is essential  for building, maintaining and and repairing body tissues.  Eggs are one of the few foods considered to be a complete protein, which contains the nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce naturally. Including eggs in your diet specially in between meals can help sustain your energy and can curb pangs of cravings  and unhealthy snacking as protein helps control the rate at which food energy is absorbed by your body. It can also help in fighting infections, keeps body fluids in balance and helps the body maintan a healthy metabolism.

Choline - an egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline which is essential to brainpower, as it helps in the development of the brain and can improve the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Our bodies cannot produce this nutrient in adequate amounts, so a continuous supply must be obtained from our diet. Two large eggs can provide an adult with the recommended daily intake of choline.

Folate – helps produce and maintain new cells, especially the red blood cells. A hard-boiled egg contains about 22 mcg of folate.

Iron – carries oxygen to the cells and helps maintain a healthy blood.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin – helps maintain good vision and reduce the risk of developing cataracts.  

According to one study, eating an egg a day may prevent macular degeneration because of these two nutrients.

Niacin - it helps promote nerve functions and helps with the bodies’ release of energy.

Omega 3 fats – helps in reducing Alzheimer’s disease and improves blood cholesterol.

Riboflavin – helps keep body tissues healthy.

Vitamin A - protects against some type of cancers and also slows down the aging process.

Vitamin B12 – helps protect us against heart diseases.

Vitamin D – helps strengthen our teeth and bones.

Vitamin E – acts as antioxidant and protects cells against some cancers. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of  breast cancer by 44%.

Zinc – strengthens the immune system.

Another controversy that’s been hounding the egg phenomenon is about salmonella, a bacteria that can cause extreme intestinal distress. The main key in avoiding this is to cook eggs thoroughly, specially its yolk. Avoid eating a runny yolk. Just make sure that eggs should be refriegerated and should be promptly eaten after being cooked.

Eggs are so cheap and they are easily available. They’re also so versatile –  you can make desserts, entrees, healthy cocktails and eggs make the perfect base for healthy meals and snacks. So what are you waiting for? Go and enjoy eggs and its different type of servings.

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