Monday, August 27, 2012


Hedgehogs !

Hedgehogs are born blind and without quills, which are just beneath the skin and easily visible just hours after birth. They can be found throughout Europe, Asia and Africa and have been introduced in Australia, New Zealand and North America. As one of the first mammals, hedgehogs have been around for 15 million years.

Hedgehogs, (Erinaceus europaeus), occur in almost all areas of the UK, except some of the Scottish islands. They tend to be scarce in wetland areas, pine forests and the highlands, where suitable food and nesting sites are harder to find. They have adapted well to life in cities, and are common in many suburban areas.

Hedgehogs are easily recognised, as they are the only British mammal covered in spines. Each hedgehog has as many as 7,000 spines covering its back and sides, and when threatened, it curls into a ball, so that the spines offer protection. The chest and belly are covered in coarse grey-brown fur.

Beetles, caterpillars, earthworms, slugs and snails are the hedgehog's favourite food, but the diet is varied and they will also eat cereals, pet foods, and fresh meat. They can weigh up to 1.5kg. A male hedgehog heavier than this is overweight and needs to diet! Before hibernation, a hedgehog should weigh at least 0.5kg to survive the winter.

Hedgehogs are mostly nocturnal, and can travel long distances in their nightly forages for food, but they may remain in one nest for several days before moving on. The young are born between May and September, in litters of four or five. Hogs have been known to live for up to 14 years, but in the wild, most will die after two years.

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