Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Brain Activity When you Dream

Brain Activity When you Dream

There have been many studies that have been conducted on human dreams for the simple reason that having a dream is an amazing phenomenon. We all know that dreams are colorless and whatever we imagine in our dreams is just that, imagination. We are also familiar of the fact that the only faces we can see in our dreams are the faces that we have seen in real life! The most interesting thing is that all that we see in our dreams can have a huge impact on our lives. The base word from which this word was taken (dreme) actually refers to joy and music

Have you ever heard that a person died of fatal insomnia, a problem where the patient cannot sleep at all! Well that is due to the reason that the brain decides not to shut off at all, not even if coma is induced! The amazing thing that most of you might not have known before is that a lot of portions of the brain are actually active while we sleep. There are different stages of a human sleeps where different parts of the brain are involved specially the visual areas of the human cortex and the limbic system that is responsible for our emotions. The human cortex is, in some cases, more active during the sleep than it is while a human is awake!



Tesla's Free Energy from Wireless Electricity is an instant solution to the planetary energy ‘crisis’.

“The first World System power plant can be in operation in nine months.”

– Nikola Tesla, 1904

The Wireless electricity transmission system pioneered by Dr Nikola Tesla has the potential to meet our future global energy needs, if only the funding and organizational structures can be put in place as a matter of urgency.

Nikola Tesla, the father of AC electricity, is responsible for recognising that an atmospheric and a terrestrial storage battery already exists everywhere on Earth, for the benefit of mankind. A century later, only a few visionary scientists recognise the untapped renewable reservoir of terawatts of electrical power (3,000 gigawatts) that sits dormant above us, waiting to be utilised.

The fateful decision in 1905 by J.P. Morgan to abandon Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower project on Long Island (after investing US$150,000 – in 1905 dollars) was the result of learning that it would be designed mainly for wireless transmission of electrical power rather than for telegraphy. No more money was forthcoming for the project that Morgan initiated, even when the equipment alone cost about US$200,000. Morgan believed that he would “have 

nothing to sell except antennas [and refused] to contribute to that charity.”

Tesla tried and tried for years until, in 1917, the US government blew up the abandoned Wardenclyffe Tower because suspected German spies were seen ‘lurking’ around it. With Edison as his willing ally, Morgan even publicly discredited Tesla’s name, so that all of the five school textbook publishers of the time removed any reference to him. Is it any wonder why, even today – more than 100 years later – hardly anyone knows who Tesla is?

Skull Arts

The Intriguing Skull Illusions of Istvan Orosz

Famous Hungarian artist Istvan Orosz creates intricate optical illusions that always hide a human skull. The presence of the eerie element is more obvious in some of his works than in others, but they are all equally impressive.

If you like optical illusions, you’ll love Orosz’s anamorphosis. The meticulously executed works of art will trick you into thinking you’re eyes are looking at Medieval-themed drawings before you spot the cleverly disguised skulls. I don’t know why the Hungarian graphic designer, poster artist and film director chose a skull as the main element of his works, but his talent or optical illusions is unquestionable.

Wikipedia defines anamorphosis as ”a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image. The word “anamorphosis” is derived from the Greek prefix ana-, meaning back or again, and the word morphe, meaning shape or form.” There are some who say Leonardo’s Eye is the earliest known anamorphosis work, dating back to 1485, while others claim it originated in China, from where it was brought to Italy, during the Renaissance. Istvan Orosz has made it his goal to renew this amazing art form.

Right & Left

Right-Wing Politics

In politics, the Right, right-wing, and rightist have been defined as acceptance or support of social hierarchy. Inequality is viewed by the Right as either inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, whether it arises through traditional social differences or from competition in market economies. There is a range in level of right-wing positions. The politics of the centre-right involve the acceptance of a degree of hierarchy in society based on the idea that inferior quality of behaviour will lead people to inferior status positions, but claims that people can leave inferior status positions and raise themselves by changing their choices of behaviour. The far-right involves support of strong or complete social hierarchy in society, and supports supremacy of certain individuals or groups deemed to be innately superior who are to be more valued than those deemed to be innately inferior.

The political terms Right and Left were coined during the 18th century, resulting from the French Revolution (1789–99), and referred to where politicians sat in the French parliament; those who sat to the right of the chair of the parliamentary president were broadly supportive of the institutions of the monarchist Ancien RĂ©gime. In France, the original Right comprised those politicians supporting hierarchy, tradition, and clericalism. The Right wing invoked natural law and divine law to explain the normality of social inequalities.The use of the expression le droit (the right) became prominent in France after the restoration of the monarchy in 1815, when le droir was applied to describe the Ultra-royalists.

In English-speaking countries it was not until the 20th century that the terms "right" and "left" were generally applied to their own politics. The meaning of right-wing thus "varies across societies, historical epochs, and political systems and ideologies."Although the term originally designated traditional conservatives and reactionaries, the usage of “right-wing” was extended to describe liberal conservatives, classical liberals, libertarian conservatives, Christian democrats, and types of nationalists.

Left-Wing Politics

In politics, the Left, left-wing, and leftists are people or views which generally support social change to create a more egalitarian society.They usually involve a concern for those in society who are disadvantaged relative to others and an assumption that there are unjustified inequalities (which right-wing politics views as natural or traditional) that should be reduced or abolished.

The political terms Left and Right were coined during the French Revolution (1789–1799), referring to the seating arrangement in the Estates General: those who sat on the left generally supported the radical changes of the revolution, including the creation of a republic and secularization, while those on the right were supportive of the traditional institutions of the Old Regime. Use of the term "Left" became more prominent after the restoration of the French monarchy in 1815 when it was applied to the "Independents". The term was later applied to a number of revolutionary movements, especially socialism, anarchism, and communism as well as more reformist movements such as green politics, social democracy, and social liberalism.

The spectrum of left-wing politics ranges from centre-left to far left (or ultra-left). The term centre left describes a position within the political mainstream. The terms far left and ultra-left refer to positions that are more radical. The centre-left includes social democrats, social liberals, progressives and also some democratic socialists and greens (in particular the eco-socialists). Centre-left supporters accept market allocation of resources in a mixed economy with a significant public sector and a thriving private sector. Centre-left policies tend to favour limited state intervention in matters pertaining to the public interest.

In several countries, the terms far left and radical left have been associated with communism, Maoism, Autonomism and many forms of anarchism. They have been used to describe groups that advocate anti-capitalist, identity politics or eco-terrorism. In France, a distinction is made between the left (Socialist Party and Communist Party) and the far left (Trotskyists, Maoists and Anarchists). The US Department of Homeland Security defines left-wing extremism as groups who want "to bring about change through violent revolution rather than through established political processes."

In China, the term Chinese New Left denotes those who oppose the current economic reforms and favour the restoration of more socialist policies. In the Western world, the term New Left refers to cultural politics. In the United Kingdom in the 1980s, the term hard left was applied to supporters of Tony Benn, such as the Campaign Group and Labour Briefing, as well as Trotskyist groups such as the Militant Tendency and Socialist Organiser. In the same period, the term soft left was applied to supporters of the British Labour Party who were perceived to be more moderate. Under the leadership of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown the British Labour Party re-branded itself as New Labour in order to promote the notion that it was less left-wing than it had been in the past. One of the first actions however of the Labour Party leader who succeeded them, Ed Miliband, was the rejection of the "New Labour" label. 

Old News


The elements are making headlines this weekend -- while New Yorkers are awed by man-made waterfalls, residents of Winfield, Mo., are still trying to hold back the Mississippi where levees broke on Friday. But in Northern California this weekend, firefighters are praying for water. Lightning strikes have set off hundreds of wildfires, threatening homes, power grids and state parks.

These California fires have caused a lot of destruction -- however, not all lightning is bad, and we want to share with you an example: Edwin Robinson.

Lee Robinson: My name is Lee Robinson and this story is about my father, Edwin Robinson.Bob Gustavson: I'm Bob Gustavson, the pastor at Emmaus Lutheran Church in Falmouth, Maine, and Edwin Robinson was a parishioner there when I first came in 1994. Ed was a remarkable story of someone who had had an accident in his truck and lost his sight and most of his hearing and suddenly had it restored.

Robinson: He had adopted a chicken that somehow had found his way to him, and he had named the chicken Tuck-Tuck because, well, as best as he could make out, that's the sound that a chicken makes: tuck, tuck, tuck... And that's why he was out there. He was walking around the garage calling Tuck-Tuck. And the bird was inside the garage looking out at him, trying to figure out why he was out there, just standing in the rain, during a severe thunderstorm.

Gustavson: I guess it was thundering and lightning and raining and Ed was crawling around out in the backyard looking for Tuck-Tuck on his hands and knees. He finally found the bird and was struck by lightning.

Robinson: The lightning bounced off the tree and went directly into his hearing aids, and blew the hearing aids right out of his ears. The connecting wire was burned completely off. And after my dad had been hit by lightning, he lay on the ground for several minutes and he finally got up and went back in the house. My mom came over to him because he looked, you know, dazed, and he said, "I think I've been hit by lightning." And she kind of said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," and he said, "No, really, I can read that plaque on the wall."

Gustavson: He began reading a plaque of some sort that was up on the wall. It said something like, "God can't be everywhere, that's why he created grandparents." His wife thought maybe he had just memorized it, but it turns out he was actually reading it.

Robinson: So she said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah," and "You already know what it says, so that doesn't mean a thing. How about looking at the clock over there on the wall and telling me what time it is?" And he looked at the clock and said, "It's six minutes after five." He got his sight back to 20/20. He got his hearing back. All of his life he had been completely bald and several weeks later there was hair that started to grow on his head.Gustavson: Not only was his eyesight restored and his hearing restored, but he started to grow hair again. It's hard not to say that it's not miraculous.

Robinson: I think if you talk to anybody else that was around when this incident happened, they would say that it was actually a miracle. I guess you could say there is a bit of luck in there, yes. Otherwise, he literally should have been killed by the lightning, yes.

George Santayana (1863 – 1952), a Spanish philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist once said that “those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.” Throughout our lives, we have often been reminded to learn from our mistakes. Time and time again we see people around us making the same errors in judgment without learning from them.

If we, as members of humanity, take a stand for human rights and do what it takes to stop monsters such as these, we could stop them dead in their tracks. Now is the time to fight for the oppressed, the tortured and the hungry. What will it take for us to learn from our mistakes of apathy before we take a stand? What will it take for us to learn that indifference is not the answer? We need to remember the mistakes made by others in the past if we are to protect humanity in the future.

Remember the past and take a stand for humanity!


Since most of the subscribers here are Filipinos: This will be a series of posts on how the Philippines was destroyed from the time Marcos is collaborating with LaRouche and others in countering the genocidal policies of the IMF, and bringing into being a new world economic system based on development and justice and how did George Shultz managed to overthrow the Marcos Government.

This controversial article is written by Mike Billington, It is part of a series which features the assault against the Third World by the "Economic Hit Men." He examined first the case of the Philippines here, and then Mexico. The article appeared on the December 2004 issue of Executive Intelligence Review, a weekly magazine based in USA.

Part 1:

The U.S.-orchestrated coup which overthrew the government of Philippines' President Ferdinand Marcos in 1986 was a classic case study of what John Perkins describes in his recent book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, as the post-World War II preferred method of imposing colonial control under another name. In the Philippines case, George Shultz performed the roles of both the economic hit man, destroying and taking full control of the Philippine economy, and the coup-master, deposing the Philippine President in favor of an IMF puppet—while calling the operation "people power."

Throughout this process, from the late 1970s through the February 1986 coup, and beyond, Lyndon LaRouche and his collaborators were fully engaged in the fight to expose and reverse this subversion and destruction of one of America's most important allies, by the supranational financial institutions which Shultz and his ilk represent. By mobilizing support from patriots of both the United States and the Philippines, the LaRouche effort put a spotlight on the crimes of the Shultz cabal, as will be shown below. Although the effort failed to stop the process at that time, the crimes thus exposed in the Philippines can and must serve today as a nemesis to Shultz and his neo-conservative operatives, who are in an endgame in their effort to impose a new fascist order over the planet.

In a Nov. 16 interview on radio station DZAR in Manila, LaRouche described his own view of the special mission of the Philippines nation: "The Philippines has a very important pivotal role, some people would say geopolitically, in the entire region, of trying to bring together on a global scale for the first time, a world system, which is capable of accommodating both the European cultural heritage and Asian cultures. This is the great barrier, the great frontier, of a hopeful future for this planet: to bring together the cultures of Asia—which are different than those of Western Europe generally—with European culture, to get a global culture based on a system of sovereign nation-states, which understands that this unresolved cultural question has to be addressed, with a long-term view, of several generations, of creating an integrated set of sovereign nation-states as the system of the planet. So the Philippines is a very special country, with a unique importance for the people of Asia, in particular, in playing a key role in bringing about this kind of general integration of Asian and European civilizations."

The lesson of the subversion of the Philippines in the 1980s for today is clear. Shultz is the eminence gris behind the neo-conservatives running the Bush Administration, which has brought the world to the current disastrous circumstance. It is also the case that the Philippines, although currently lacking any national leadership comparable to that of Marcos, is nonetheless facing a new coup threat, orchestrated by the same neo-conservative circles in Washington who were responsible for the 1986 coup.

The popular memory of Ferdinand Marcos today, in the U.S. and in the Philippines, is largely shaped by the massive disinformation campaign created in the early 1980s by the circles around then-Secretary of State Shultz, and his deputy Paul Wolfowitz. Marcos was accused of corruption, human rights violations, plunder, and even the murder of a political opponent, Benigno Aquino—and this caricature is repeated ad nauseam still today. While Marcos was not without faults, he was by far the last Filipino head of state to have understood the challenge of true leadership in a world slipping towards chaos. His overthrow by the Shultz cabal had nothing to do with the charges issued publicly, but were intended to stop his national development policies, and his international collaboration with LaRouche and others in countering the genocidal policies of the IMF, and bringing into being a new world economic system based on development and justice.


Mexico, July 11, 2012. USA and UK governments pushed the press not to publish the protest while Google censored videos on youtube and restricted keywords on this event.

The Mexican media has blacking out the protests against their new government, who have been accused of doing everything from buying votes to buying off the media.

If the corporate media won’t spread this story, then let’s spread the story. Share this all over your pages and your friend’s pages and help support the democracy movement in Mexico

The Cactus Dome

Between 1946 and 1962, the US military conducted 105 atmospheric nuclear tests over the "Pacific Proving Grounds," a euphemism for the Marshall Islands and several other nearby South Pacific atolls.

In the late 1970s, in an effort to clean up the radioactive debris left by those explosions, the US government dug up 111,000 cubic yards of soil from the Bikini and Rongelap atolls and deposited it on Runit Island. Its resting place would be in a 350-foot wide crater that had been created two decades earlier by an 18-kiloton nuclear test code-named Cactus.


The definition of a parasite is "an organism that spends a significant portion of its life in or on the living tissue of a host organism and which causes harm to the host without immediately killing it." Parisitology is the study of parasites.

The definition of a parasite sounds like a perfect description of what government has become. The political class, its cronies and its dependents are parasites. The host is the productive sector of the economy. One lives at the expense of the other. One is "taking," the other "making."

Thomas Jefferson observed:

If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy. ... I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.

More than 150 years ago, Frederic Bastiat commented on what he saw happening in France: 

It is easy to understand why the law is used by the legislator to destroy in varying degrees among the rest of the people their personal independence by slavery, their liberty by oppression, and their property by plunder. This is done for the benefit of the person who makes the law, and in proportion to the power that he holds.

Even the fall of Rome, widely attributed to "bread and circuses," attracted Will Rogers' attention:

Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate, now what's going to happen to us with both a House and a Senate?"

The parasite-host analogy would seem to be a reasonable basis for a general theory explaining the rise and fall of civilizations. Assuming someone has not already milked it, it could make an interesting dissertation topic. However, in most academic settings implicating the State in the failure of civilizations could jeopardize your career.

Politicians, unlike actual parasites, generally understand the ramifications of decisions. Other than those with IQs below room temperature (make your own estimate of how many that be), politicians know the precarious condition of the host.

Is it rational for an understanding parasite to destroy the host upon which it feeds? After all, if the host dies, so do the parasites.

Self-interest in government is especially troublesome because constraints imposed by markets are absent in government. 

Those in power are constrained only by the laws they impose upon themselves and periodic ballot box judgments. The power of incumbency suggests the latter is of limited effect. If self-interest conflicts with public service and laws are ineffective, self-interest is served.

Non-economist David Brin suggests politicians have less character than the average citizen. He attributes this to a perverse self-selection process:

It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible. The sane are usually attracted by other things than power.

Albert J. Nock preceded David Brin and was even more damning in his assessment of the political class:

Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class

If Public Choice theory is valid (and it is), how does one explain the unwillingness of the political class to save the host? When the host dies, so do the parasites. Do we have an instance here where politicians are not acting in their own self-interest?

The answer is that political parasites are acting rationally by allowing the host to perish. The key to understanding this anomaly is that curing the host would require radical medicine in the form of massive spending cuts. These cuts would require dismantling of various entitlements and much of the welfare state. Even with this medicine, it might be too little, too late to succeed.

The reason that the cure will not even be tried is that any attempt to do so would be politically fatal for whoever proposed it. Voters believe that government is the source of free goodies. Too many believe they are entitled to be supported by government. Anyone proposing meaningful spending cuts would likely be subjected to political execution at the earliest election.

Nothing is more valued to the political mind than attaining and retaining office. That is why the debt ceiling deal was such a fraud. Neither party pushed for meaningful spending cuts. Both postured for voters. Both wanted a new credit card and got the largest one ever issued.

Political parasites rationally chose to continue the plunder and exploitation knowing that it ensured long-term death of the host. In classic Keynesian short-termism ("in the long-run we are all dead"), politicians chose to remain in the trough to continue feeding on the host.

The decision to destroy the host may not seem rational to the rest of us, but it is clearly in the best interest of the current parasites. Death for them at some future uncertain date is a better than death at the next election. They chose what was in their best interest but not the country's.

Until the host dies, the current parasites will exploit for as long as they can. They have chosen a form of Kevorkian economics, managed suicide for the host economy. Unlike Kevorkian, they intend to keep the host alive as long as possible enabling them to maximize their time in the trough.

The rest of us will be left to pick up the pieces when the collapse occurs. The parasites will be dead in a political sense but likely living in a different country.

Breath Taking Scenes Of Mount Fuji. Japan.... IT'S SO AMAZING....

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan located on Honshu Island at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). An active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08, Mount Fuji lies about 100 kilometres (62 mi) south-west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone, which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers. It is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku; it is a Special Place of Scenic Beauty, a Historic Site, and has been submitted for future inscription on the World Heritage List as a Cultural (rather than Natural) Site.



YES HE DID IT - Well Marcos could’ve been tired already of Ninoy. I mean what is he to do with Ninoy? Send him back again to the States only to hear Ninoy in CNN or some foreign news agency attacking him? 

NO - I don’t think Ferdinand Marcos did it. Its easier to send a gunman in the US and kill Ninoy there a la Leon Trotsky. Or why kill Ninoy? He already has the power--and there is no question to it. The only one opposing him prior to Ninoy are the leftists in the hills and a few lawyers in the city.


YES, SHE DID IT - Maybe to show her husband once and for all that she’s not just holding on to power ceremonially--that she too can exercise it. In fact its more likely that she killed Ninoy not Mr. Marcos. The killing was set up by an amateur--not of Ferdinand Marcos’ caliber. 

NO - well the way I think about this is--if Imelda killed Ninoy or through her orders--Ferdinand would know it immediately...


YES - killing Ninoy would be hitting two birds in one stone. It would force Marcos out of office and it would easier for him to get hold of Marcos’ corporations prior to Marcos’ fall--and second who would replace Ninoy but a relative? And what do relatives do for each other? 

NO - well that only thing that could’ve stop Danding is perhaps his busy in wealth accumulation at the time--so he would not have the time and the energy to pull the strings.


YES - well Fabian is the most loyal stooge of Marcos--if Marcos says “jump to your death”--Fabian will even ask “from which height?” Its likely that Marcos was ill when Ninoy arrived and could not immediately act--so enter Fabian ordering the killing or perhaps the planned it in secret so not even his boss knew... Could he have conspired with Imelda and Danding? Well--maybe...

NO - I see no reason why Fabian would not have touched Ninoy’s hair, what are they to do? Exile him again and cause world embarrassment? Risk having him run in an election? Jail him again and cause world-wide sympathy?


YES - but these guys would not have acted alone--but strange is this up to this time they’re not talking...

NO - they don’t know a shit about the killing and might be innocent stooges--tricked by the real killer.


YES - well maybe it was Galman all along but that’s what Marcos, Ver and company wants us to believe...

NO - Nope seems he died earlier than Ninoy.


YES - Ninoy would be an asset--killing him would push Malacanang to the ledge and push the people to the side of the CPP-NPA.

NO - And risk being founded out? I don’t think so.


YES - Well they may have been tired of Marcos and decided to do this to embarrass and destroy him.

NO - Well they have all the capacity to pull the stunt but they don’t have the motive--Marcos by the way is their main man…and “Yes” man--is that how to treat a “Yes” man?

You decide on the polls next to this article and comment why if necessary.

Poisonous foods

30 mins. of heavy rain

30 mins. of heavy rain 
and Vigan city flood..

a rain is a clean water from the sky..
then why is that, the water around the Vigan city is so dirty?