Friday, September 7, 2012


Atlantis has to be one of the most enduring myths/ mysteries for several reasons. One, it captures the imagination to think of an advanced civilization that once flourished then somehow was completely destroyed. Two, it has not been found as of yet. There are some compelling theories about its descendants and how they migrated to various points around the world. Some say the Egyptians were thought to of been influenced by or descendants of Atlantians. Some say that they migrated to South America. Plato was the originator of legend of Atlantis saying that it lay just beyond the straits of Gibraltar. Some say that it is in actuality the island of Santarini that was destroyed by a great volcanic erruption. The great american psychic Edgar Cayce predicted that a portion of Atlantis would be found off the coast of Bimini in and around the year 1968 and indeed there was a compelling formation that is now known as the "Bimini Road". Though this has not been found to actually be proof of the existence of Atlantis, it is somewhat coincidental. It remains to be seen if it actually existed but it does prove to be a continuous, enduring mystery. There is new evidence that Atlantis could be buried in the south of Spain. Satellite technology has helped in finding this area where there appear to be anomalies . A new investigation is under way and there is great excitement for what is being explored there. Here is link to a story on this new evidence. Take care. 

What is it?

Atlantis is a supposed lost continent, situated in the mid Atlantic Ocean. It is supposed to have sunk, when a great wave flooded it over, and is said to be lying underneath the Atlantic Ocean today. How could that be possible, you may ask. It is highly unbelievable that a continent could sink due to a flood, but it is widely believed to be so. However, there are more theories as to how it disappeared. How can it disappear if you can’t really prove that it even existed? There has been evidence to support the existence of Atlantis. Ancient maps have Atlantis shown on them, and even the Greek map that Christopher used as a reference has the continent of Atlantis on it. On the sea floor of the Bahamas, Dr Ray Brown had discovered buildings, roads, unidentifiable metals, statues holding crystals etc. These crystals were brought away for analysis in a Florida university, and they were found to amplify energy that passed through it.  Such is the technology that they possessed, leading us to believe that Atlantean were a highly intelligent and technologically advanced race. They were also very tall, with heights ranging from an 8-foot frame to an unbelievable 12-foot frame. Archaeologists were stunned and shocked at this discovery. They could also control weather to such an extent that their grain grew all year.  But now, we no longer see Atlantis. Did Atlantis really sink to the bottom of the Atlantis Ocean? Or was it just a worldwide prank that was played, to fool us modern people?  
What it is believed to be

Atlantis is widely believed to be a continent and island. There are some, who believe that the olden people’s North was our South, which messes up the map creation process, and thus is actually today’s Antarctica. Atlantis could also be linked to the Bermuda Triangle

What scientists believe 

 Science believes that the Atlantean, who could control the weather, and use crystals to amplify and store energy, had an accident, which made Atlantis sink. Theories that Atlantis did not sink and is in fact today’s Antarctica can be founded by the fact that the river Nile could be the ancient peoples’ direction, which create the illusion that North is South and vice-versa. A more detailed explanation of this can be found at Atlantis and the Earth’s Shifting crust.
At some point of time, Atlantis probably did exist, because the various maps do have Atlantis noted. What happened to Atlantis is anybody’s guess. It could become Antarctica due to crust movements, it could be the crystal’s frequency was set too high and destroyed the continent, or it simply sank. Or maybe it did not even exist, and that the maps were flawed greatly.

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